3 characteristics of your next monthly giver (and how to attract them!)

We all want that next giver to head to our website, get to the donation page, and choose to make that next gift a recurring one. Monthly givers can make more of an impact over time, and typically stay for a while (hello, high retention rate). So of course you want this kind of giver, but do you know them? Yes, I’ve noticed there are certain kinds of people that make recurring gifts. I’m going to give you 3 characteristics that monthly givers have in common that you may not have considered. Your next monthly donor is out there and already cares about your mission. Here’s what you need to know about them:

  1. They’re the kind of people that see a need and want to help fill it

Donors who make monthly gifts are looking to give back. They simply need to become aware of a problem and confident that their ongoing gift will make a difference. They don’t need to be convinced that giving to a nonprofit is a good thing to do. More than likely, they already volunteer, help their neighbors, and keep up with what’s going on in the community. They have experience stepping up to help when a need is presented to them.

How to attract: BE DIRECT WITH YOUR NEED. Pretty language around an issue does not appeal to them. These types of donors are the ones scrolling through your email looking for “the point”. On your website, social media pages, and mass emails - your need should be clear. You’ll get that next monthly donor because you made a specific case that ongoing funds are one of the most critical ways to help your nonprofit address a problem.

*The easiest way to tackle this is by adding a “how you can help” line to some of your online messaging.

2. They like consistency.

Your next monthly giver will be someone that trusts you. How do you get potential donors to trust you? You stay consistent. These types of donors do their homework before deciding to partner with a nonprofit long-term. So, you better believe they are checking your social media posts, newsletters, and emails for evidence that you’re a trustworthy organization that sticks to its word.

How to attract: If you want a donor to be consistent with a gift, start by being consistent. Consistency looks like making an ask, using the funds as intended, sharing stories of impact, saying “thank you”, repeat. One big mistake a nonprofit can make is putting on a fundraising campaign and never following up with the results afterward. Stick to a cycle of consistency, and your monthly givers will come.

3. They’ve likely given to a nonprofit before (probably one like yours), and want to do more.

If a donor decides to commit to making a monthly gift to your nonprofit, there’s a 99% chance this is not their first philanthropic rodeo. These donors care about nonprofits and understand the impact they can have on their communities. They’re looking to step it up a notch and want to make even more of an impact.

How to attract: Make clear what differentiates a one-time giver from a recurring one. How much greater will their impact be? How have monthly givers who make even the smallest of gifts impacted your nonprofit in the past? Are there additional perks to becoming a monthly giver? Highlight what makes your monthly givers special (and treat them as such once you get them).

*Extra tip: Consider sending out a quick survey to those who sign up for recurring gifts. Ask questions like: “How did you find out about us? What inspired you to become a monthly giver? Which of our programs is most important to you?” This can help you further identify the kind of givers you are attracting.

Remember that there are donors out there who already care about your mission. Now that you know them, you can attract them.

Guest writer: Michelle Williams, With Purpose Consulting

You can find Michelle at: www.withpurposeconsulting.com or on Instagram.